Enhance students’ sense of belonging with this social emotional unit focused on setting up and building a classroom community where everyone feels that they belong. Whether you use this unit during morning meeting or another social emotional learning time, the lessons, discussions, and student journal will engage your students in social emotional development, character education and community building. You'll experience proud teaching moments as your students gain awareness of the importance of including others and develop their own sense of belonging!
🌟The sense of belonging unit is the first unit I recommend teaching at the beginning of the year for back to school lessons that establish a strong sense of community! However, you can teach this unit at any point in the year where your students need to strengthen their sense of belonging and inclusion.
This unit is included in my SEL Morning Meeting Themes Set 1 with four other themes. If you want a whole curriculum for social-emotional learning or morning meetings, consider the all themes bundle of 17 social-emotional learning units where you’ll save 40%.
➥ a teacher overview of the BELONGING theme with suggested read alouds, discussion questions, activities and extension ideas, and linked online resources
➥ directions for Spy Reports Weekly Assignment
➥ 15 days of printable and editable lesson plans
💜 You'll have more than you need to address belonging. Pick and choose from the ideas and lessons offered to customize a unit that specifically meets your students needs, or grab the 15 days of lesson plans and print and go!
💜 Some of the suggested picture book read alouds for this unit include: We're All Wonders, The Day You Begin, The Name Jar, and Big Al.
➥ 5 Belonging-related quotations
➥ important vocabulary with definitions: belonging, acceptance, community, and exclude/exclusion
➥ decorative quotation posters
💜 The belonging-themed bulletin board helps anchor important learning and growth. Displaying key vocabulary creates an established language for your unit and related quotations inspire everyone to internalize the importance of belonging. If you implement many theme units, your *growing* bulletin board becomes a display of students' learning as you add new themes!
➥ cover pages with quotations and important vocabulary
➥ belonging-related discussion prompts
➥ always, sometimes, rarely self-reflection and goal setting
➥ ABC's of belonging and inclusion acrostic exercise
➥ "including others" symbol activity
➥ identifying behaviors that exclude others discussion page
➥ 5 quotation analysis journal prompts
➥ belonging stories compare and contrast chart
💜Student journals allow students time to process big thoughts and ideas before beginning a discussion. Student journal pages become a record of their learning that can be referenced in the future!
➥ Belonging SEL Teacher Slides (Google Slides)
➥ Belonging SEL Notebook for Students (Google Slides)
➥ Editable Lesson Plans
💜Implement this unit digitally or use the teacher slides to display your lessons + capture student responses to discussions.
With these BELONGING SEL Morning Meeting Activities, you are able to incorporate social emotional development and classroom community building while targeting common themes in literature and your grade level's ELA standards. Students who experience theme-based morning meetings develop a strong understanding of themes in literature because this and other ELA skills are integrated into the morning meeting routine!
Ignite your students’ interests and growth with discussions and experiences specifically designed to strengthen their social emotional development and sense of belonging!
You won't be disappointed in the time you spend with these upper elementary social emotional/morning meeting lessons!
➥ Learn more about my Framework for Theme-Based Morning Meetings and if you have any questions, please reach out at tarheelstateteacher@gmail.com or use the Q/A here!
Looking for more SEL Morning Meeting themes?
ALL SEL-Morning Meeting Themes Bundle - 17 in All! SAVE 40%!
SEL Morning Meeting Theme Set #1
SEL Morning Meeting Theme Set #2
SEL Morning Meeting Theme Set #3
Copyright © Tammy Roose, Tarheelstate Teacher.
The purchase of this resource gives the buyer permission to download and copy for single classroom use only. Electronic distribution is also limited to single classroom use. Copying for other teachers, school-wide use, or school systems is only allowed with the purchase of additional licenses.