Turn your students into Meteorologists with this student-illustrated Weather and Climate Research/Note-taking Handbook. This set of science notebook sheets and graphic organizers for Weather and Climate (including 46 weather and climate related vocabulary words) allows students to illustrate and organize their notes for key vocabulary and concepts. (Definitions are already included in the student handbook so that students can spend their time on learning and illustrating!)
You can use the Weather Handbook to debrief or close to your weather lessons by having students complete the illustrations for terms that you taught throughout that lesson, or students can complete the weather research project as an introduction to weather and climate or culmination to the unit of study. Perfect for interactive notebooks/science notebooks! Please be sure to pick and choose the pages that you need in order to meet your science standards.
This resource is great for helping students review terms and helping them hold on to the weather vocabulary and concepts they have learned (especially if they will be tested in science at the end of the year). Students need at least 6 exposures to master critical vocabulary. This is a great addition to any vocabulary activities you already do!
Copyright © Tammy Roose, Tarheelstate Teacher
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